I'm Kelly.

I struggled with binge eating, overeating and food obsession for 12 years so you don't have to. 
I've helped thousands of women be in control around food - and now it's your turn!

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052: Your Personality Traits that Lead to Binge Eating

Four Personalities That Mess with Your Eating Habits (And How to Kick Them to the Curb)

In this episode, I’m sharing all about our personality traits that can make our binge eating and overeating worse. So many times we just focus on the food, but rather, it’s how we think, speak and act that determines how we cope with food. 

1. The “People Pleaser” (aka “Yes” Machine)

Ah, the people pleaser—always saying “yes,” even when your tank is on empty. You’re running around, doing favors, working late, and trying to be everything for everyone. By the end of the day, you’re so exhausted, your brain practically hands you a cookie and says, “Here, eat this, you’ve earned it.”

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. People pleasers often end up binge eating because they’re running on fumes. No time for themselves means no time to even think about hunger cues. So, here’s your game plan: set boundaries and practice saying “no.” You’re not a jerk for putting yourself first; you’re just making sure you have enough energy left to live your best life (and enjoy your food without face-planting into it).

2. The Perfectionist (aka “All or Nothing”)

Hello, perfectionist! You’ve got your color-coded schedule, your workout plan, and your perfect meal prep down to a science…until one thing goes wrong, and then it’s “eff it, pass the chips!” If it’s not perfect, why bother, right?

Here’s the problem: perfectionism is like setting yourself up for failure because life is messy, my friend! One hiccup and your pendulum swings from kale smoothies to double-fudge brownies. The trick? Embrace the messy middle. Progress over perfection. Seriously, if your good enough is good enough, you’ll be a lot happier—and less likely to drown in ice cream.

3. The Control Freak (aka “Captain of the Ship”)

Love being in control? Of course, you do! You want to know what’s happening, when, where, and how. But guess what? Life doesn’t always play by your rules. Sometimes, your kids throw tantrums, work gets chaotic, or your gym closes because—wait for it—a hurricane.

Instead of freaking out when things spiral, remember this: you can’t control everything. Start recognizing what’s in your power and what’s not. When you learn to let go of the uncontrollable, you’ll stop using food as a backup plan to cope with the chaos.

4. The Empath (aka “Feel All the Feels”)

Empaths—aka emotional sponges. You take on everyone else’s stress, sadness, and drama. Whether it’s your best friend’s breakup or the state of the world, you internalize it all. And guess what? That emotional baggage makes you turn to food to cope.

Here’s the thing: it’s great to care, but you can’t carry the world’s problems on your shoulders (unless you’re Wonder Woman, in which case, carry on). Practice detaching with love—care, but don’t make every problem your own. And remember, food won’t solve world peace, but it might make you feel bloated.

So, there you have it—the four personalities that secretly sabotage your eating habits. Recognize yourself in any of these? Start making small shifts. Boundaries, progress over perfection, letting go of control, and detaching from emotional weight will help you step into your food freedom.

Follow me for daily tips on Instagram! @kellylwellness

Are you ready to stop overeating and finally be in control around food? Watch my FREE training How to Stop Binge Eating (Without Cutting Out Your Favorite Foods) to learn how it’s possible! 

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hey there, I'm Kelly.

I help women just like you that are sick and tired of starting over. If you are feeling lost, hopeless, guilty and defeated after you overeat, that is not lost on me.

Through education, empowerment and my own signature method - I have transformed my relationship with food and exercise, and because of that? I’ve lost weight naturally and maintained it while eating my favorite foods, I radiate confidence no matter what I’ve eaten, and I love myself more than I ever have.

Now I am here and going to show you the way.

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I was a binge eater & food obsessed for 12 years - and it destroyed me.


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