I'm Kelly.

I struggled with binge eating, overeating and food obsession for 12 years so you don't have to. 
I've helped thousands of women be in control around food - and now it's your turn!

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062: How to Stay in Control During Food-Filled Weekends

Have you ever had weekends where you’re just surrounded by food, food, and MORE food?! I know I have – this past weekend we had my mom’s birthday on Friday, so we went out for dinner then had cake back at my house. Then, on Saturday, we had friends over for a party, and on Sunday my hubsand and I had a much needed day-date and went out for lunch and to watch football.

So this episode is all about how to navigate those types of weekends around food, and have it where you aren’t going crazy and swearing you’ll ‘get back on track’! Below are some of the big takeaways, but be sure to tune!

1. Compartmentalizing Your Meals

When faced with a busy weekend filled with food, it’s tempting to view the entire time frame as one big food event. For example, if you have dinner plans, a birthday party, and a fun outing planned, it can feel overwhelming. You might think, “I’m going to be so bad this weekend!”

Instead, try to compartmentalize your meals. Break down your food events into manageable parts. Recognize that each meal is just that—a meal. If you have dinner on Friday, a birthday party on Saturday, and wings on Sunday, treat them as individual moments rather than a continuous binge.

This mindset shift makes it less intimidating. You can enjoy your meals without the guilt of thinking you’ve derailed your entire weekend. Each event is just one meal, not a license to overindulge for the whole time.

2. Give and Take

Once you’ve compartmentalized your meals, it’s time to think about give and take. Identify where you can balance indulgences with healthier choices. For instance, if you know you’re going out for a big dinner, consider making healthier choices for breakfast and lunch that day. Can you get a workout in before your dinner? Or maybe take a walk to enjoy the fall weather?

If you’re planning to indulge at a birthday party, think about how you can incorporate healthy habits earlier in the day or week. This doesn’t mean depriving yourself; rather, it’s about finding that balance.

It’s also worth remembering that you don’t have to indulge at every opportunity. Maybe save the cocktails for one night instead of all three. By practicing give and take, you reinforce that your weekend isn’t entirely “bad” but rather a mix of enjoyment and self-care.

3. Don’t Start Over Tomorrow

The last tip, and perhaps the most crucial, is to stop the cycle of starting over. How often have you thought, “I’ll just be good again on Monday”? This mentality can lead to binge eating as you think, “I’ll just eat whatever since I’m starting fresh tomorrow.”

Recognize that you don’t need to “make up” for any indulgences. Instead, focus on enjoying your meals in the moment. If you indulge at a birthday party, remember that one meal doesn’t define your entire week. Stay mindful of your hunger and fullness cues, and don’t let tomorrow dictate your current choices.

When you adopt this mindset, you free yourself from the pressure of perfection. You can enjoy your meals without the guilt and anxiety of needing to compensate for what you’ve eaten.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these strategies. How do you plan to apply them this weekend? Drop me a DM or share your experiences with me!

If you enjoyed this post, consider sharing it with friends or leaving a comment below. Let’s empower each other on this journey to food freedom!

Follow me for daily tips on Instagram! @kellylwellness

Are you ready to stop overeating and finally be in control around food? Watch my FREE training How to Stop Binge Eating (Without Cutting Out Your Favorite Foods) to learn how it’s possible! 

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hey there, I'm Kelly.

I help women just like you that are sick and tired of starting over. If you are feeling lost, hopeless, guilty and defeated after you overeat, that is not lost on me.

Through education, empowerment and my own signature method - I have transformed my relationship with food and exercise, and because of that? I’ve lost weight naturally and maintained it while eating my favorite foods, I radiate confidence no matter what I’ve eaten, and I love myself more than I ever have.

Now I am here and going to show you the way.

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I was a binge eater & food obsessed for 12 years - and it destroyed me.


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