I'm Kelly.

I struggled with binge eating, overeating and food obsession for 12 years so you don't have to. 
I've helped thousands of women be in control around food - and now it's your turn!

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061: Why You Keep Eating Even Though You’re Way Too Full

So you know what it’s like when you decide to keep eating when you’re full. You knoooow you shouldn’t keep eating. You realize you’re full, you sit back, you know it’s time to stop – but you don’t. No judgement here whatsoever, because that was me for so long!

This episode is talking all about WHY you are still eating even though you’re waaaay too full.

Understanding the “Light Switch” Moment

Have you ever experienced that moment when, despite feeling full, you just can’t stop eating? It’s like a light switch flips on, and suddenly, you’re diving back into that delicious meal or snack. This isn’t just a one-time occurrence; many people face this challenge regularly.

You Feel Like You Got It Wrong

This often stems from trying to follow rigid food rules. You may pressure yourself with thoughts like, “I need to stop when I’m full,” or “Am I doing this right?” This creates anxiety around eating, making it harder to listen to your body. Instead of perfection, remember that understanding your fullness is a journey. Ask yourself, “How will the next bite make me feel?” Shift the focus from a black-and-white mentality to learning what works for you.

You Feel Like You Screwed Up

Sometimes, the guilt of eating something perceived as “bad” can drive us to keep eating. Imagine you’re at a family gathering and pizza is served. You may tell yourself, “I shouldn’t be eating this,” leading to a cycle of guilt. To counter this, focus on speaking in facts. For instance, instead of saying, “I shouldn’t be having this,” simply acknowledge, “I am eating pizza.” This helps to remove the emotional weight tied to the food.

You’re Using Food for Emotional Reasons

Often, we turn to food as a way to cope with emotions like loneliness or anxiety. This can lead to mindless eating, where we consume food not out of hunger but as a distraction from what we’re feeling. When you find yourself reaching for food despite being full, ask yourself, “Why am I eating?” Recognizing and acknowledging your emotions can be the first step toward healing. Remember, we have to feel it to heal it.

    Understanding these three reasons can empower you to make conscious choices around food. It’s essential to practice self-compassion and remind yourself that you’re learning.

    As I celebrate my upcoming birthday and a wedding in Nashville, I’m excited to share more insights in future episodes. Thank you for being a part of the Food Freedom Society community.

    If you found this post helpful, I’d love for you to share your thoughts! You can also connect with me on Instagram at @KellyLWellness.

    Are you ready to stop overeating and finally be in control around food? Watch my FREE training How to Stop Binge Eating (Without Cutting Out Your Favorite Foods) to learn how it’s possible! 

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    hey there, I'm Kelly.

    I help women just like you that are sick and tired of starting over. If you are feeling lost, hopeless, guilty and defeated after you overeat, that is not lost on me.

    Through education, empowerment and my own signature method - I have transformed my relationship with food and exercise, and because of that? I’ve lost weight naturally and maintained it while eating my favorite foods, I radiate confidence no matter what I’ve eaten, and I love myself more than I ever have.

    Now I am here and going to show you the way.

    Learn more

    I was a binge eater & food obsessed for 12 years - and it destroyed me.


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