I'm Kelly.

I struggled with binge eating, overeating and food obsession for 12 years so you don't have to. 
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054: When Calorie Counting Doesn’t ‘Work’ For You

We’re tackling a topic that always gets people talking—counting calories! If counting calories works for you, great! But if tracking every bite or obsessing over your food app has ever made you anxious, this episode is for you! 

In this episode, we’ll talk about why calorie counting may make your binge eating and overeating WORSE, and the steps for you to take to let go and feel less obsessive. 

Calories, TikTok, and Angry Dudes: Oh My!

Let me tell you, whenever I mention anything about counting calories on social media—especially on TikTok—it’s like I’ve thrown a grenade into the comment section. I’ll say something like, “Hey, counting calories might not be for everyone, and that’s okay,” and bam—cue the brigade of grown men ready to tell me how wrong I am. Like, thanks, Chad, I didn’t ask!

But here’s the thing: calorie counting might work for some people, and if it does, that’s amazing. Seriously, high-five to you. But for a lot of folks, especially women who have spent years battling food anxiety and dieting cycles, it’s more like pouring gasoline on a fire. So, if calorie counting gives you a case of the “Sunday Scaries” every time you eat out, we need to talk.

Why Calorie Counting Can Drive You Bananas

Yes, weight loss technically happens when you’re in a calorie deficit. But let’s be real—being in a constant calorie-counting mindset isn’t the magical, sustainable unicorn we all wish it were. If you’re someone who feels a little—or a lot—obsessed with numbers every time you eat, this could be the thing keeping you stuck in an endless cycle of bingeing, restricting, and repeating.

And here’s why: You’re out for a spontaneous lunch or having dinner with friends when suddenly, the panic sets in. You don’t know how many calories are in the meal, you can’t weigh the bread on a scale, and, oh no, there’s butter on the veggies! Cue the spiral. Next thing you know, you’re either skipping dinner to “make up” for it or going full throttle into “screw it” mode and eating anything and everything.

Sound familiar? That’s because you’re gripping the reins so tightly that eventually, something has to give. And spoiler alert—it’s usually your sanity.

My Journey From Food Jail to Freedom (Yes, I Brought a Tablespoon to Restaurants)

I’ve been there. I was the girl who brought a literal tablespoon to restaurants to measure salad dressing. Yep, that was me. I’d order salmon and steamed spinach while my friends were having juicy burgers and fries, only to go home and devour the pantry because, hey, I “forgot” to track the bread I ate.

I’d go to Cheesecake Factory, order their ‘skinny salad,’ and then binge on everything I could find at home afterward. Why? Because when you live life obsessing over every calorie, life stops feeling like…well, life. You’re basically a prisoner to the food scale, and that’s no way to live, my friend.

So, What’s the Alternative?

Here’s the good news: You can ditch the calorie-tracking apps without spiraling into chaos. (I know, wild concept, right?)

Inside Food Freedom Society, we focus on ditching those obsessive behaviors without losing control. It’s not about throwing out everything you’ve learned about food—it’s about finding a balance. Instead of tracking every morsel, we teach you to listen to your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues. Yep, those cues are still there—they’ve just been on mute because you’ve been too busy listening to MyFitnessPal.

How to Start Listening to Your Body (And Not Your App)

If you’re freaking out at the thought of ditching the apps, take a breath. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. The goal is to start tuning into when you’re actually hungry and when you’re full. And hey, it’s okay if you’re not sure what that feels like anymore—it takes time to get back in touch with your body’s signals. But trust me, it’s so worth it.

When you’re eating because you’re hungry (not because you’re bored, stressed, or mad at your boss), that’s where the magic happens. Food becomes fuel again—not an enemy to control.

The Bottom Line: Ditch the Anxiety, Not Your Life

If calorie counting is stressing you out, causing binges, or keeping you from living your life, it’s time to re-evaluate. Yes, calories matter, but your mental health matters more. You deserve to enjoy meals without freaking out over every bite. Trust me, the sky won’t fall if you stop measuring your spinach.

So, here’s your permission slip to delete those apps (at least for a little while) and start living life on your terms. You’re not broken; you’ve just been doing things that aren’t serving you. And girl, you deserve better.

Follow me for daily tips on Instagram! @kellylwellness

Are you ready to stop overeating and finally be in control around food? Watch my FREE training How to Stop Binge Eating (Without Cutting Out Your Favorite Foods) to learn how it’s possible! 

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hey there, I'm Kelly.

I help women just like you that are sick and tired of starting over. If you are feeling lost, hopeless, guilty and defeated after you overeat, that is not lost on me.

Through education, empowerment and my own signature method - I have transformed my relationship with food and exercise, and because of that? I’ve lost weight naturally and maintained it while eating my favorite foods, I radiate confidence no matter what I’ve eaten, and I love myself more than I ever have.

Now I am here and going to show you the way.

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I was a binge eater & food obsessed for 12 years - and it destroyed me.


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