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I struggled with binge eating, overeating and food obsession for 12 years so you don't have to. 
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043: Your Emotions + Food with Dr. Stephanie Lopez

Do you eat out of anxiety, frustration, or overwhelm? A huge reason for binge eating and overeating is from an emotional trigger, and we are chatting with Dr. Stephanie Lopez! Dr. Steph is a former NASA psychologist and Healing Coach, and we are diving deep into the toxic relationship between our emotions and food.

In this episode, we’ll talk about how suppressing our emotions can lead to subconscious eating habits, and how developing emotional awareness can transform your relationship with food and overall well-being.

From NASA to Healing

Dr. Steph isn’t your average therapist – oh no. She’s a former NASA employee! Yes, you read that right. She went from space geek to emotional healer, helping high-achieving women heal from having narcissistic mothers. I mean, come on, how do you even go from NASA to emotions? One word: breakdowns. (Oh, and probably a lot of therapy.)

Her story starts in 2013 when she entered what can only be described as a therapy Hunger Games – a five-day workshop that felt like a psychological warzone. Spoiler alert: by the end of day one, she knew she had to bring these life-changing tools to as many people as possible. At the time, she was the classic “I have it all” woman: a great career, a Pinterest-perfect life, but inside? Total chaos. Emotional breakdowns, high-functioning anxiety, and the occasional rage outburst. (We’ve all been there, right?)

The kicker? She didn’t know she was causing her own misery. By trying to control every little thing – her emotions, her life – she was actually making herself more anxious. Her ‘aha!’ moment came in that sterile workshop room, where she realized she was suppressing her emotions so hard they were fighting their way out through anxiety and anger. Talk about a plot twist!

Emotional Breakdowns & Food Obsessions: A Love Story?

Let’s get real. We’ve all been there. You’re feeling like a hot mess, and somehow you end up deep in the pantry, shoveling snacks into your mouth like it’s an Olympic sport. Dr. Steph calls it what it is: emotional suppression. We don’t always recognize the sneaky feelings bubbling beneath the surface – anxiety, fear, stress – until we’ve already devoured half a sleeve of Oreos.

The truth is, food becomes a coping mechanism, a way to numb out the discomfort we don’t want to face. That’s why when someone tells you, “Stop eating your feelings,” you nod, but deep down, you’re thinking, Tell me how, Brenda! The answer? Awareness.

The First Step: Stop Running to the Fridge (And Start Feeling)

According to Dr. Steph, the key to tackling emotional eating is to slow down and start recognizing what’s going on in your body. She recommends trying something called a body scan a few times a day. Sounds woo-woo? Trust me, it’s magic. And next time you find yourself raiding the fridge, hit pause and ask yourself: What am I avoiding feeling right now? (Hint: It’s not that you’re avoiding eating the last slice of pizza, but probably avoiding anxiety about tomorrow’s to-do list.)

But don’t expect to master this overnight. You might not catch yourself until 20 minutes after you’ve inhaled a snack, but with practice, you’ll get faster and start recognizing those triggers before they take over. Visualizing yourself in the pantry and asking that key question: What am I avoiding feeling? can seriously transform how you respond to emotions.

Dr. Steph’s Favorite Mantra: “You’re Never Responding to What’s Happening, Just to the Meaning You Give It”

This one hit me hard. Dr. Steph dropped the knowledge bomb: You’re never actually reacting to what’s happening – you’re reacting to the stories you’re telling yourself about what’s happening. I know, mind blown, right?

As a recovering ruminator (someone who overthinks every little thing), I could relate. I used to let anxiety drive the bus of my life, obsessing over how I looked before an event, or catastrophizing everything. But Dr. Steph teaches us that those “not-so-shiny” feelings – anxiety, rage, overwhelm – aren’t who we are. They’re stories we’ve made up, and we have the power to rewrite them.

So, How Does This Tie to Food?

Glad you asked. For so many of us, food becomes the band-aid we slap on top of unresolved emotions. Dr. Steph shares that, whether it’s binging, restricting, or obsessing over food, it’s often an attempt to numb feelings we haven’t even acknowledged. It’s like you’re starring in your own personal drama, but the plot twist is always the same: Will I eat my feelings today? (Spoiler: You might.)

By tuning into what your body’s actually feeling (hello, body scans!), you can start to slow down the automatic reaction to use food as comfort. It’s not about willpower; it’s about awareness. As Dr. Steph puts it, “Food is just one of many ways we distract ourselves from uncomfortable feelings – but we can learn to process those emotions instead of eating them.”

The Bottom Line?

Dr. Steph’s story is a testament to the fact that you can have it all on paper – the career, the perfect life, even a gig at NASA – and still feel like a hot mess on the inside. But the good news? It doesn’t have to stay that way. By learning to recognize and process emotions instead of suppressing them (or feeding them snacks), we can start to heal not just our relationship with food, but with ourselves.

So, here’s to tuning in, slowing down, and breaking up with that pantry binge cycle once and for all. After all, healing is one bite-sized moment at a time.

Follow me for daily tips on Instagram! @kellylwellness

Are you ready to stop overeating and finally be in control around food? Watch my FREE training How to Stop Binge Eating (Without Cutting Out Your Favorite Foods) to learn how it’s possible!

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hey there, I'm Kelly.

I help women just like you that are sick and tired of starting over. If you are feeling lost, hopeless, guilty and defeated after you overeat, that is not lost on me.

Through education, empowerment and my own signature method - I have transformed my relationship with food and exercise, and because of that? I’ve lost weight naturally and maintained it while eating my favorite foods, I radiate confidence no matter what I’ve eaten, and I love myself more than I ever have.

Now I am here and going to show you the way.

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I was a binge eater & food obsessed for 12 years - and it destroyed me.


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