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I struggled with binge eating, overeating and food obsession for 12 years so you don't have to. 
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040: My Story of Excruciating Back Pain and How I Found Relief

Have you ever experienced back pain that is completely debilitating – and you’ve tried everything to fix it and nothing helped? I’m talking you can’t walk, sit, stand, sleep or hug your kids – it takes over every aspect of your life.

That was me a short time ago, and I am going to share my story on the crazy unconventional way I found relief from weeks of unmanageable pain. 

If you struggle with chronic back pain, you’re going to want to listen (or share with a loved one who deals with it too)! 

Disclaimer Alert!

I’m not a doctor, okay? What I’m about to share is purely my experience. Don’t sue me, Karen. Always chat with your doctor before trying anything.

Now, let’s talk about my back drama. Buckle up.

The Not-So-Glamorous Start:

It all started on March 16th, just before my son’s birthday. I was at the gym, casually hip-thrusting like a boss (okay, not really). I didn’t feel anything break, pop, or snap, but something definitely felt off. Did I stop? Of course not! I ran three miles the next day because #dedication… or stupidity. You decide.

Long story short, I tweaked something, and things went downhill fast. I couldn’t walk, sit, stand—anything. I turned into a literal turtle on its back. My husband had to help me put on pants! And let me tell you, it wasn’t a cute “I’m a damsel in distress” moment; it was more of a “please send help” situation. I couldn’t feel my toes, and my body threw a pain party down my legs every night. By “party,” I mean it was awful.

Enter the Magic Solution:

After trying the usual routes—chiropractor, physical therapy, etc.—I stumbled upon something a little out of left field: a book called Healing Back Pai by Dr. John Sarno. The title isn’t winning any creativity awards, but the content… game-changer!

Dr. Sarno’s theory? Your back pain might be mental, not physical. Hold up, don’t throw things at me yet. I’m not saying you’re imagining it—I know how real and excruciating pain can be. But he explains that our repressed emotions, especially anger (hi, I’m a mom of two toddlers), can cause our brain to cut off oxygen to muscles, which leads to—you guessed it—pain.

Wait, It Gets Weirder:

Sarno’s idea is called Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS). Basically, our minds are like, “Hey, you’re not dealing with that stress or frustration, so I’m going to make you feel it in your back instead!” Fun, right?

This all sounded a bit woo-woo to me, but I was desperate, so I gave it a shot. And guess what? I started feeling better! My brain was literally playing tricks on me, and by retraining my thoughts, I started kicking the pain out of my body. Mind. Blown.

Relief at Last (Hallelujah!):

Within days of practicing what the book preaches—acknowledging my emotions instead of bottling them up—I started to feel like a functioning human again. I went from not being able to walk to doing a 20-minute Peloton ride. My legs still work! It was like a miracle.

Why You Need to Read This Book (Like, Now):

I can’t stress this enough: if you’ve tried everything for your back pain and nothing’s worked, give this book a shot. It’s like seven bucks, no strings attached. And no, this isn’t an affiliate link. It’s just that good.

Plus, the book doesn’t just stop at back pain. Dr. Sarno talks about how fear—of moving, of sitting wrong, of literally everything—can make your pain worse. By flipping the script and facing the fear, you can start to heal. Crazy, but it works.

Back Pain and Binge Eating: Mind-Body Connection, Anyone?

Here’s the kicker: the mind-body connection is so much bigger than just back pain. Think about binge eating. How often do we reach for the Oreos when we’re stressed, angry, or overwhelmed? It’s the same concept. Our brains are trying to distract us from dealing with those repressed emotions. So instead of focusing on the cookie (or the back pain), it’s time to dig a little deeper.

Final Thoughts (and a Whole Lot of Love):

If you’re dealing with back pain—or any chronic pain, really—I’m sending you so much love. I know how debilitating it can be. But I also know there’s hope. Check out Dr. Sarno’s Healing Back Pain, give it a read, and see if it resonates with you. And as always, hit me up on Instagram @KellyLWellness to share your thoughts or ask any questions. Let’s heal together, friend.

Until next time, take care of that beautiful body and mind of yours!

Follow me for daily tips on Instagram! @kellylwellness

Are you ready to stop overeating and finally be in control around food? Watch my FREE training How to Stop Binge Eating (Without Cutting Out Your Favorite Foods) to learn how it’s possible! 

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hey there, I'm Kelly.

I help women just like you that are sick and tired of starting over. If you are feeling lost, hopeless, guilty and defeated after you overeat, that is not lost on me.

Through education, empowerment and my own signature method - I have transformed my relationship with food and exercise, and because of that? I’ve lost weight naturally and maintained it while eating my favorite foods, I radiate confidence no matter what I’ve eaten, and I love myself more than I ever have.

Now I am here and going to show you the way.

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I was a binge eater & food obsessed for 12 years - and it destroyed me.


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